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get(Object) - Method in class rioko.utilities.collections.ArrayMap
get(int) - Method in class rioko.utilities.collections.HashList
getAffectedObject() - Method in class rioko.revent.AbstractRListener
getAllEdges(V, V) - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Graph
Method to get all the edges related with two vertices at the same time.
getAttribute(IConfigurationElement, String) - Static method in class rioko.eclipse.registry.RegistryManagement
Method to get the attribute of a Eclipse Registry Element.
getChangedObject() - Method in class rioko.revent.datachange.DataChangeEvent
getClassForListener() - Method in class rioko.revent.datachange.DataChangeListener
getClassForListener() - Method in interface rioko.revent.RListener
getConnectedComponents(Boolean) - Method in class rioko.grapht.AdjacencyListGraph
Method that gets the connected components of the graph.
getDeepIterator() - Method in class rioko.utilities.collections.DeepStack
getDefault() - Static method in class rioko.plugin.utils.Activator
Returns the shared instance
getEdge(V, V) - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Graph
Getter method for an edge of the graph joining two vertices of the graph.
getEdgeClass() - Method in class rioko.grapht.AdjacencyListGraph
getEdgeClass() - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Graph
Method to get the Edge class of the Graph.
getEdgeFactory() - Method in class rioko.grapht.AdjacencyListGraph
getEdgeFactory() - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Edge
Method to get the Factory class to create new Edges of the same class.
getEdgeFactory() - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Graph
Method to get the Edge Factory to create new edges for this graph.
getEdgeSource(E) - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Graph
Method to get the source vertex of an edge of the graph.
getEdgeTarget(E) - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Graph
Method to get the target vertex of an edge of the graph.
getEdgeWeight(E) - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Graph
Method that gets the weight of a particular edge of the graph.
getElementsFor(String) - Static method in class rioko.eclipse.registry.RegistryManagement
Generic method to get the Eclipse Registry Elements given a extension id.
getEmptySet() - Method in class rioko.utilities.collections.ListSortedSet
Public method to instantiate a new empty set of the same class of the current Set.
getFigure() - Method in interface rioko.zest.Drawable
Public method to get the image to be draw.
getFiguresAtPosition(Point) - Method in class rioko.zest.ExtendedGraphViewer
Public method to get the IFigures in a position Point.
getFiguresAtPosition(int, int) - Method in class rioko.zest.ExtendedGraphViewer
Public method to get the IFigures in a position given its coordinates.
getFirst() - Method in class rioko.utilities.Pair
Getter method for the first element
getInsets(IFigure) - Method in class rioko.draw2d.borders.SideBorder
getInstance(IConfigurationElement, String) - Static method in class rioko.eclipse.registry.RegistryManagement
Method to get a new instance of the attribute.
getInstance(String, String) - Static method in class rioko.eclipse.registry.RegistryManagement
Method to get an instance of a class in an extension point using its class canonical name
getInstance(String) - Static method in class rioko.utilities.Timing
getInstanceOf(IConfigurationElement, Class<T>) - Static method in class rioko.eclipse.registry.RegistryManagement
Method to get the first instance of a class from an element.
getInstanceOf(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class rioko.eclipse.registry.RegistryManagement
Method analogous to getInstance(String, String) but now recieves the Class object instead its canonical name.
getInstances(IConfigurationElement) - Static method in class rioko.eclipse.registry.RegistryManagement
Method to get all the objects instantiables of an element of Eclipse Regsitry
getInstances(String, String) - Static method in class rioko.eclipse.registry.RegistryManagement
Method to get all the instances of a certain class in an extension point.
getInstancesOf(IConfigurationElement, Class<T>) - Static method in class rioko.eclipse.registry.RegistryManagement
Method to get all the instances that extend a given class.
getInstancesOf(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class rioko.eclipse.registry.RegistryManagement
Method that returns all the objects that are instantiable in an extension point and extend the class given.
getInstanciableElements(IConfigurationElement) - Static method in class rioko.eclipse.registry.RegistryManagement
Method to get the names of the attributes which are instanciable
getLast() - Method in class rioko.utilities.Pair
Getter method for the last element
getMark() - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Vertex
Method to know if the Vertex is "marked", whatever it could mean in different contexts.
getMetadataFolder() - Static method in class rioko.plugin.utils.Activator
getParent(E) - Method in class rioko.searchers.SearchIterator
Public method to get the parent of an element that has been found in the search.
getSimilarType() - Method in class rioko.grapht.AdjacencyListGraph
Method that return a new Graph with the same class of vertices and edges.
getSource() - Method in class rioko.grapht.AbstractEdge
getSource() - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Edge
Getter method to know the source of the edge.
getSource() - Method in class rioko.revent.REvent
getSubTree(DirectedSearchIterator<V>) - Method in class rioko.grapht.AdjacencyListGraph
Method that gives the vertices of the graph that, given an Interator over the vertices, are found iterating it.
getTarget() - Method in class rioko.grapht.AbstractEdge
getTarget() - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Edge
Getter method to know the target of the edge.
getType() - Method in class rioko.grapht.AbstractEdge
getType() - Method in interface rioko.utilities.Typable
Getter method for the Type.
getVertexClass() - Method in class rioko.grapht.AdjacencyListGraph
getVertexClass() - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Graph
Method to get the Vertex class of the Graph.
getVertexFactory() - Method in class rioko.grapht.AdjacencyListGraph
getVertexFactory() - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Graph
Method to get the Vertex Factory to create new edges for this graph.
getVertexFactory() - Method in interface rioko.grapht.Vertex
Method to get the Facotry to create new Vertices.
Graph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> - Interface in rioko.grapht
Interface that gives the methods a Graph should implement to be a real Graph.
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